DraughtLab is offering free access to their new app Sample Ox during the COVID-19 crisis. This new platform helps craft breweries build their community and enhance engagement with customers remotely. The announcement comes as we enter the second week of widespread “stay at home” orders form local governments in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. “Now more than ever we need tools that help us connect with our community,” said Matt Conyer, DraughtLab’s CEO. “Sample Ox can help breweries continue to engage with customers while their brewpubs are closed.” In addition to free software, DraughtLab will also be offering the following support:
- Free marketing materials
- Free weekly live Q&A sessions with CSO Lindsay Barr
- Free software support
Businesses providing “to go” options can simply include a small instruction card with each order for a remote tasting event. Tasters will get to evaluate the products they've purchased and compete with others to see whose flavor evaluation comes closest to the professional’s. On the back end, brewers can see how much consumers like their products and identify flavors that drive liking.
DraughtLab will do all the legwork to set up the software for each brewery and will make themselves available to answer questions and offer support free-of-charge. “We know breweries are stretched thin, so we want to offer as much support as we can through this difficult time,” Matt said. “We are truly in this together.”
If you wish to take advantage of this offer, email DraughtLab at info@sampleox.com with the subject: “Free Access.”

About DraughtLab: Built out of a collaboration between sensory experts and problem-solving software designers, DraughtLab has made it their purpose to provide high quality sensory software tools that are accessible for every level of sensory expertise.
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