Better Brand Recognition Training

A common trick we use on panel to see how tasters will react is to give samples we know will fail. An easy way to do this is to tell them they’re getting one brand but actually use a different, similar brand instead.

This week, I had two different panel leaders tell me that they were alarmed that their panelists were not picking up on swapped samples. What do you do in this situation?

This is actually quite common! It can be tough to tell similar brands apart, especially without training. The good news is that simple training techniques exist that help address this issue.

What is Brand Recognition Training?

Brand Recognition training helps tasters recognize and differentiate your brands. The focus is on helping tasters understand and articulate your brand’s unique flavor profiles and characteristics. If your tasters can do this, they will be better at spotting inconsistencies and guiding product development and marketing.

How to run a Brand Recognition Training

The simplest version of this training involves getting your tasters together to describe a few products and share their experiences during a discussion. If this is as far as you take it, great! Simply setting aside the time to intentionally taste and discuss your product’s differences can make a huge impact.

If you want to take it one step further, follow up the discussion with a blind tasting session. Do this by presenting the same samples in a mixed up (randomized) order. Tasters will evaluate the samples, identify the products, receive feedback, and have a chance to discuss their observations.

How to test your panel effectively

To test your panel effectively, follow these tips. These strategies will prepare your tasters to accurately assess and differentiate your product’s unique characteristics.

  • Hide the sample’s identity by using black cups
  • Randomize the order of samples
  • Give feedback at the end of the tasting and allow tasters to re-taste the samples
  • Record taster performance so they can see how they improve over time
  • Repeat tests with different brands to improve accuracy

Where can I get help with Brand Recognition Training?

Brand Recognition Training is just one part of our onsite panel leader training program. Over the course of two days, we will work with you and your team to fine-tune your program, learn new methods, and move your career forward as a panel leader. This training is a great way to kickstart new programs or refine and revitalize experienced programs. To learn more, shoot us an email at

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